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Hey guys I found this on a Rams site and had a good laugh and thought I would share it with you with appropriate background. The postings that follow are from www.theramshuddle.com. The issue is the termination of www.ramsbuzz.com and how it came about. First some info about the two sites.
Rams Huddle is a small site now though was much larger a year ago. A very simple site, no bells and whistles. At one time it had a thriving politics board as well as a football board. It was an AWESOME board though it had a big wart too. It is the only place on the web other than the Post Dispatch board (where anarchy has free reign) where the poster 'zn' can ALWAYS do whatever he? pleases. His conduct was summed up perfectly by poster 'X' below. I ended up being banned multiple times from there for far less than zn routinely does. In fact all it took was to disagree with zn and refuse to take his crap. The supposed owner of the site first banned me based on a misinterpretation of what I wrote. He took it as a personal slight. So I continued to join under different names over the years to continue to post among friends and call out zn on his BS. The latest example of my being banned (2013) was because I said the Rams are "rebuilding". In fact it became impossible to use the word "rebuild" in any form without being banned. Such was the ridiculous nature of that board. Lots of people left. Those that agreed with zn went to the Ramsbuzz site where the only criteria for participation is that you agree with zn.....ALWAYS, or else. Once Ramsbuzz started the remaining mods at Rams Huddle served to only kill participation there while zn tried to get people to join Ramsbuzz.
Ramsbuzz was a site that zn claimed to have started and that no disagreement with his views were allowed. What he said was the law. Then one day I guess it was June 28th the plug was pulled on it with no warning. What was subsequently learned from the now no longer dormant Rams Huddle site is that zn was not behind the creation of Ramsbuzz. PhxRam was the creator and owner of Ramsbuzz. He also owns www.ramsondemand.com which was founded by X and is without question the finest FUN Rams site.
OK so now the situation is zn and crew are back at Rams Huddle and zn is accusing PhxRam of banning him from Ramsbuzz and RamsOnDemand. Since zn couldn't get access to either site for an entire day he calls PhxRam a "Dick" in a private message. I guess it was on June 28th that PhxRam found out what zn called him and pulled the plug on the site. Of course zn flung accusations aplenty, refused to answer a simple question from PhxRam while demanding answers ad nauseum. Typical zn. Then X responded to the thread answering the questions of zn and others:
X wrote:
So now you know. I was able to block you from both sites, and I did. I blocked you from ROD because of your constant pilfering of my posts, and because of your incessant whining about being talked about by guys like Les and Thor and Albe and Boffo. So out of sight, out of mind, yeah? I blocked you from The Buzz because I felt like it. I’ve always had administrative access to both sites, even after I sold ROD. I knew when Bob was going to be away, and I’ve been planning on nuking you for a few years now. So I did. Not unlike Samir Suleiman, I’m a fucking throat slasher. And you deserved all of it.
The fact that you petulantly demanded satisfaction without knowing the full story is just typical of your past, present, and future behavior. Bob hooked you up BIG TIME, and you repay him by calling him a dick? Who the hell do you think you are? The “inconvenience” that I caused you for all of one day was for all of your lectures via PM for the things I posted and the way I posted them. That was for turning every good poster into a shitty poster because you lack even a rudimentary understanding of how to speak to people without condescension. Les, Thor, Albe, Boffo … those are all genuinely good and interesting people that you turned into assholes because you can never, ever, ever, humble yourself and see another person’s point of view OR take even the slightest bit of criticism and gain a little introspection from it. But mostly, it was because you decided to turn on me one day before I even knew who the fuck you were. And I forget nothing. I’ve been stringing you along for years now. Pretending to be your friend, taking shots at you, apologizing to get you on the hook again, taking shots at you, apologizing, dogging you, apologizing, and so on and so on and so on. You. Are. My. Puppet. My greatest revenge comes this day, “Rick.”
So here’s my advice to you going forward. Shut the fuck up and listen once in a while. Don’t challenge people’s intellect because you think yours is superior. Don’t make the mistake of thinking everyone is forgiving, and stop leeching off of other people to get what you want. But most of all, take a goddamn look in the mirror. You’ve been ostracized from every board not named the PD, and for good reason. Dozens upon Dozens of people registered and left The Huddle because of you. You alone. A jury of your peers booted you off of ROD, and The Herd still mocks you to this day. You want a place to call home so that you can stop being the leader of the martyred flock of the internet? Buy one. Register the name, “ZNsWorld.tv” and pony up $8.95 a month to host your own site. Push a goddamn button to install a board, and lord over it like the creepy pie eating internet fascist you are.
For the rest of you who thought I was a decent guy, and was trying to help? Nah. I tried to buy The Huddle from RM, but he never responded to any of my emails. I was going to make that board great and ban the one guy responsible for destroying it. Some of you would have followed him through the gates of Hell I’m sure, but many of you would have noticed that the guys who were “ALLEGEDLY” responsible for its demise are actually the ones who have the personality to make a board click. And without them, that board died. I realize most of you are happy with a small community revolving around ZN and the face he shows you in public. I get that. But if you were ever exposed to the other face? The one that puffs out his chest behind the scenes because he can’t STAND being anything other than the center of attention and the sole voice of authority? Well, you’d know you were being duped.
Ban me now. I have no desire to respond to the inevitable victim speech that’s sure to follow.
My work is done.
I'd like to add my two cents about X , PhxRam and zn. X has banned me many times, Rams Huddle and ROD. Despite that I like X. He's a character. He'll debate and responds to the argument, not the person. Great sense of humor too. Smart. PhxRam from my interaction with him has always been generous, accomodating and polite. To refer to him as a "Dick" is a gross mischaracterization. Also X mentioned zn being voted out of ROD....well I lobbied hard for zn to be admitted since I believe in freedom of speech. zn is exactly as described by X. Imagine the NFL record for futility the Rams have set and for the last few years have been by far the youngest NFL team.....but you can't say the Rams are "rebuilding"!
So there you have it. As the Rams Turns, starring the "Creepy Pie Eating Internet Fascist".
Rams Huddle is a small site now though was much larger a year ago. A very simple site, no bells and whistles. At one time it had a thriving politics board as well as a football board. It was an AWESOME board though it had a big wart too. It is the only place on the web other than the Post Dispatch board (where anarchy has free reign) where the poster 'zn' can ALWAYS do whatever he? pleases. His conduct was summed up perfectly by poster 'X' below. I ended up being banned multiple times from there for far less than zn routinely does. In fact all it took was to disagree with zn and refuse to take his crap. The supposed owner of the site first banned me based on a misinterpretation of what I wrote. He took it as a personal slight. So I continued to join under different names over the years to continue to post among friends and call out zn on his BS. The latest example of my being banned (2013) was because I said the Rams are "rebuilding". In fact it became impossible to use the word "rebuild" in any form without being banned. Such was the ridiculous nature of that board. Lots of people left. Those that agreed with zn went to the Ramsbuzz site where the only criteria for participation is that you agree with zn.....ALWAYS, or else. Once Ramsbuzz started the remaining mods at Rams Huddle served to only kill participation there while zn tried to get people to join Ramsbuzz.
Ramsbuzz was a site that zn claimed to have started and that no disagreement with his views were allowed. What he said was the law. Then one day I guess it was June 28th the plug was pulled on it with no warning. What was subsequently learned from the now no longer dormant Rams Huddle site is that zn was not behind the creation of Ramsbuzz. PhxRam was the creator and owner of Ramsbuzz. He also owns www.ramsondemand.com which was founded by X and is without question the finest FUN Rams site.
OK so now the situation is zn and crew are back at Rams Huddle and zn is accusing PhxRam of banning him from Ramsbuzz and RamsOnDemand. Since zn couldn't get access to either site for an entire day he calls PhxRam a "Dick" in a private message. I guess it was on June 28th that PhxRam found out what zn called him and pulled the plug on the site. Of course zn flung accusations aplenty, refused to answer a simple question from PhxRam while demanding answers ad nauseum. Typical zn. Then X responded to the thread answering the questions of zn and others:
X wrote:
So now you know. I was able to block you from both sites, and I did. I blocked you from ROD because of your constant pilfering of my posts, and because of your incessant whining about being talked about by guys like Les and Thor and Albe and Boffo. So out of sight, out of mind, yeah? I blocked you from The Buzz because I felt like it. I’ve always had administrative access to both sites, even after I sold ROD. I knew when Bob was going to be away, and I’ve been planning on nuking you for a few years now. So I did. Not unlike Samir Suleiman, I’m a fucking throat slasher. And you deserved all of it.
The fact that you petulantly demanded satisfaction without knowing the full story is just typical of your past, present, and future behavior. Bob hooked you up BIG TIME, and you repay him by calling him a dick? Who the hell do you think you are? The “inconvenience” that I caused you for all of one day was for all of your lectures via PM for the things I posted and the way I posted them. That was for turning every good poster into a shitty poster because you lack even a rudimentary understanding of how to speak to people without condescension. Les, Thor, Albe, Boffo … those are all genuinely good and interesting people that you turned into assholes because you can never, ever, ever, humble yourself and see another person’s point of view OR take even the slightest bit of criticism and gain a little introspection from it. But mostly, it was because you decided to turn on me one day before I even knew who the fuck you were. And I forget nothing. I’ve been stringing you along for years now. Pretending to be your friend, taking shots at you, apologizing to get you on the hook again, taking shots at you, apologizing, dogging you, apologizing, and so on and so on and so on. You. Are. My. Puppet. My greatest revenge comes this day, “Rick.”
So here’s my advice to you going forward. Shut the fuck up and listen once in a while. Don’t challenge people’s intellect because you think yours is superior. Don’t make the mistake of thinking everyone is forgiving, and stop leeching off of other people to get what you want. But most of all, take a goddamn look in the mirror. You’ve been ostracized from every board not named the PD, and for good reason. Dozens upon Dozens of people registered and left The Huddle because of you. You alone. A jury of your peers booted you off of ROD, and The Herd still mocks you to this day. You want a place to call home so that you can stop being the leader of the martyred flock of the internet? Buy one. Register the name, “ZNsWorld.tv” and pony up $8.95 a month to host your own site. Push a goddamn button to install a board, and lord over it like the creepy pie eating internet fascist you are.
For the rest of you who thought I was a decent guy, and was trying to help? Nah. I tried to buy The Huddle from RM, but he never responded to any of my emails. I was going to make that board great and ban the one guy responsible for destroying it. Some of you would have followed him through the gates of Hell I’m sure, but many of you would have noticed that the guys who were “ALLEGEDLY” responsible for its demise are actually the ones who have the personality to make a board click. And without them, that board died. I realize most of you are happy with a small community revolving around ZN and the face he shows you in public. I get that. But if you were ever exposed to the other face? The one that puffs out his chest behind the scenes because he can’t STAND being anything other than the center of attention and the sole voice of authority? Well, you’d know you were being duped.
Ban me now. I have no desire to respond to the inevitable victim speech that’s sure to follow.
My work is done.
I'd like to add my two cents about X , PhxRam and zn. X has banned me many times, Rams Huddle and ROD. Despite that I like X. He's a character. He'll debate and responds to the argument, not the person. Great sense of humor too. Smart. PhxRam from my interaction with him has always been generous, accomodating and polite. To refer to him as a "Dick" is a gross mischaracterization. Also X mentioned zn being voted out of ROD....well I lobbied hard for zn to be admitted since I believe in freedom of speech. zn is exactly as described by X. Imagine the NFL record for futility the Rams have set and for the last few years have been by far the youngest NFL team.....but you can't say the Rams are "rebuilding"!
So there you have it. As the Rams Turns, starring the "Creepy Pie Eating Internet Fascist".
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