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NFL network analyst were discussing the game and said "it's gonna be tough for Seattle to beat SF 3 times in one season. I'm taking SF".
Yeah...it would be impossible. These guys are lame.
Sent from a cell at the CLink...
The native American Seahawk has far reaching history that goes back hundreds if not thousands of years. The Seattle Seahawks have a traditions that only stretches back to 1976. Our's is the only team mascot that has origins in the region and in the Native American people of the area it plays in...
It feels like the biggest game since we had the new stadium built. The feeling around the area is electric!
Last night I went to South Center Mall and it was insane all the Seahawk jersey's, shirts, flags and hats that were out. I mean every other person was wearing swag.
Bandwagoner's or...
Since the game is this week NFL network is replaying the Seahawks vs 49er games.
Having already rewatched these games several times on DVR. I actually believed I could not gleam any additional information from these two teams...but I think I may have found something odd.
I don't know, maybe...
I've had a Seahawk tattoo over a decade...at full price. ;)
CONCORD, Calif. —
A Concord tattoo artist is offering 49er fans an inexpensive way to show off their team spirit.
Joe Montana was on Inside the NFL and they asked him to pick the Seahawks vs Niners game and after a pause he says sort of hesitantly...
"I'm going with the Niners." They ask why and he says "Because if I don't pick them they'll run me out of town."
This guy is flippin dialed in.
This was one of the best press conferences by a football player ever. No bragging but lots of insight on his brand of football.
In keeping with the Saints angle of painting the Seahawks Logo on their practice fields, crafty Jim Harbaugh has had Colin Kaepernicks "special" bus repainted to give him the feeling of a real home game.
Man...that Jimmy is a brilliant man.
Krap doesn't just wear that helmet for the game...
From : http://www.footballzebras.com/
NFC Championship at the CLink <Psst...looking good for Seahawks DB's>
Yr. Crew College Occupation
R 114 Gene Steratore 11 Kent State co-owner, supply company
U 129 Bill Schuster 14 Steratore Alfred insurance broker
HL 8 Dana McKenzie 6 Morelli Toledo...
Epic battle for all the spoils of war!
Play and you may be injured. Sit and you will stay healthy at least awhile.
And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men and...
From the link:
"It's a move that teams across all sports have the freedom to employ, and often do. Especially in Denver, where theBroncos announced Sunday that they'll only ship AFC...
This is a classic...
(Below, please find an excerpt from a guest editorial for the San Francisco Chronicle written by a “Bim Flarbaugh”.)
[...]Jim Harbaugh, a confident, healthy male football coach, told reporters today that beating the Carolina Panthers in a playoff game makes him feel like...
If you want to be respected you stomp them when you have the opportunity.
You close out their ballpark and prevented another game by beating the Saints. Now close out their season and beat them into the field turf.
You want respect, you gotta take it from them.
Go Hawks!
Can you imagine having to play this game in SF after they had essentially closed Candlestick? It would be a huge advantage knowing it was the last game at the stadium and the win sends you to the Superbowl again?
Having the #1 seed has never been bigger in my opinion. They just play different...